October 1, 2012

Team Barcelona meets with Team Kibera Film School

September was a very busy month at Kibera Film School. One of the highlights was a visit by a renowned Spanish Film maker-Mireia Fort who is an experienced Cinematographer working with locals and immigrants in Africa and Spain. She brought with her a lot of knowledge which she freely shared with the film trainees despite her tight schedule in Kenya.

Mireia during the training

We had our first shoot as Film trainees and everybody was amazed with what we came up with considering we were only a few days old at Kibera Film School. The training experience was worth a thousand words.
Trainees during the shoot
We learnt about different types of documentaries and even shot a 10 minute documentary-movie around Kibera putting into practice what she taught us.

Yes we did it!
Kibera Film School is all about hands on experience and builds a trainee to be all rounded in and out of the classroom. The new trainees did not have to wait for months to get the feel of the industry. At Kibera Film School everybody is an equal team player on an off the school campus and we enjoyed every bit of what was on offer.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

1 comment:

  1. If you love to cinematograph, you need to visit the kibera film school. An open environment.
    Team Building Perth


It's not just a name welcome and learn the art of filmmaking. Our training is hands-on.