May 17, 2013

Short is sweet

Words of Pamela Collett. 

Maria Kaggai a trainee tries her hand on flip camera.

Are you an independent filmmaker who makes creative short films (1 -15 min) long?
Do you have some short films you want to enter in international film festivals?
Do you have some short films you want to screen in Nairobi?

Joseph Matu,  Kibera film school trainee.

If the answer to ANY of the above is YES, read on.

Have you ever heard of interfilm Berlin?

Initially founded in 1982 as a short film festival, interfilm is an internationally active focal point for short films, including marketing and distribution.
Here's what Heinz Hermanns, CEO of Interfilm Berlin had to say about short films during a recent Friday afternoon visit to Hot Sun Foundation in Kibera, Nairobi.

Audience: with short films it is easier to find audience. There's more of a potential market.  Interfilm shows short films in 20 cities in Germany The other large market: France For the market: shorter films are best: 5 - 15 min.  7 min to show before feature film in cinemas, 90 seconds in subways or other public place. 

Trainees of Kibera film school on location shooting their short films.

In Kenya: Educate your audience: need to develop an audience for short films
Suggest: short film festival or quarterly short films screening. People must spread the word about seeing great short films. 

Any place that people gather, shopping center, medical clinic, railroad station, bus stop, public transport is a potential market for showing short films.  In Berlin Germany and Seoul Korea there are 90 second short films on the subways. 

To be continued.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

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