October 11, 2012

Evaluation at Kibera Film School

Kibera Film School trainees had their first skills evaluation after 6 weeks of intensive training. They are still on probation and the trainers always have random question and answer sessions to prepare them for their final evaluation.

After 7 modules the trainees were evaluated on handling of equipment, camera angles, techniques etc. Here are some of the views of the trainees during the evaluation.

Shirley (19) 
I love cameras! I had this mentality that only boys could be good in photography but I have been taught well and using different types of cameras is much more fun than I thought.

Shirley at Kibera Film School

 Martin (22)
For me it was an eye opening experience.I had studied photography before but I am now learning even more.

Martin checking camera settings

Godfrey (24)
Hands on experience, teamwork and a perfect learning environment has pushed me a step further in realizing my dream to be a filmmaker. I am still learning and looking forward to shooting my project.

Godfrey at work

Michael (19)
I am excited to learn about the various equipments on set. I am fascinated by the tripod and how it aids the camera in getting steady shots. The Sony Camera is a bit challenging but I am sure with time it will no longer be a problem.


Noreen (31)
The technical terms and angles involved on set were overwhelming. I am grateful to the trainers and trainees who, through teamwork helped me in learning the technical side of photography.


Isaac (35)
Learning new skills and technical terms was an awesome experience. I enjoyed the practical skills and teamwork.

Isaac on set

The trainees have covered 7 modules preparing them for their first short film production taking place this month.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

1 comment:

  1. Nowadays many people go for movie schools,. great to hear this same from this post.
    Utah Charter School


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