Every deserving screenplay eventually finds a buyer to option or purchase the material. There are no exceptions.
- Each story needs a hero, he or she must undergo an ordeal to seize his prize.
- Every story is incomplete without a villain
- all heroes always refuse the call to action at some point
- Sum up your plot in 30 words or less when telling it to friend, critics or pitching
- Make your first line of your story compelling otherwise you'll loose most readers
- Give your character a mentor to help them through their problems
- Every story has a turning point and your hero has to complete the task
- Your story must have an underlying message some refer to them as themes
- Most people enjoy a feel-good story, once in a while write one.
Trainees in class writing their scripts
Script instructor Florence Anyango listens to a trainee plot
Dwayne Johnson-Cochran Hollywood screen writer, producer, director during script power workshop
By the end of the day a hands-on training is the best way to learn how to write screenplays. Enroll at Kibera Film School.
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