August 29, 2013

Kiibera Film School at the Arterial Network

Story by Dorothy Kangethe
On Saturday the 17th of August 2013 an impressive delegation of Hotsun representatives attended the Arterial Network Artists workshop held at the Kenya Cultural Center, at the Kenya National Theatre.

The Arterial Network defines itself as a dynamic network of individuals, organizations, donors, companies and institutions engaged in the African creative and cultural sector. The Kenya chapter is one of several regional secretariats that are geared towards changing the working conditions and to deliver real and substantial benefits to artists on the ground.

The Arterial Network seeks to create awareness on what’s happening in the country and the world about artists and grants. It’s a Pan-African based in South Africa and is a network of artists that supports art.

The key speakers from a wide range of artistic backgrounds in attendance included the likes of;

Gakunju Kaigwa (a Kenyan sculptor) 
Silvia Gishia (Director of Kuona trust)
Judy Kibinge (Filmmaker / Founder of East African Documentary Film Fund-DOCUBOX)
Buddah Blaze (Events promoter)

What I can say I learnt from the workshop was the basics of becoming an artist, believing in your dream and surviving in the budding Kenyan art scene. You’ve got to love what you do so that it gives you a reason to wake up in the morning because it’s all about passion.

Speakers emphasized the fact that it takes a lot of sacrifice to take up a practice. As well as the need to talk to people, communicate, learn more, be open-minded and network with people. This ensures that artists, whether freelance or employed have a consistent source of income and a manageable schedule. We as artists need to see beyond jobs that earn money to greater tasks in other sectors that will be more rewarding in the long run.

As for collective advice shared by advice
Don’t hold yourself back; don’t be afraid to start small.
Learn to open up, share, be ready for criticism
Success is not as overnight process, one has to start from somewhere 


Gakunju Kaigwa, a Kenyan sculptor
Passion is the main thing to get you going.

Judy Kibinge, Filmmaker / Founder of East African Documentary Film Fund-DOCUBOX
Learn to share your idea/film, be ready for criticism and always share your fears
with the people you’re working with.

Being an artist, whether on the stage or behind the camera can seem like one of the most daunting tasks but this workshop definitely made a difference for novices and experts alike. We shared a commonality that needs to be emphasized so that we can feel united and actually make an impact in the arts. I will definitely sign up for the Subscribe to the arterial Networks newsletter to keep intouch with my fellow artistes.

For more information on the Arterial Network visit

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

August 19, 2013


Report by Kevin Kiarie

A country without a documentary is like a family without a photo album--Patricio Guzman
On Thursday 8th August at Shalom House on Ngong Road was a beehive of activity as various filmmakers joined together for the prelaunch of Docubox website. Docubox is a website for a film fund for documentaries, an idea by Judy Kibinge, a renowned film and documentary director.
Docubox will provide a platform for documentary filmmakers from the East African region to showcase their scripts with unique and compelling stories that will appeal through trans-national lines. After submission, a panel of judge s will go through the scripts and grant will be given to the stories they believe are worth to be told.
Apart from the grant, interested filmmakers will be trained by international filmmakers on documentary filmmaking and production.
The goal of Docubox is to encourage filmmakers to continue making documentaries and telling the untold stories.
Hot Sun Foundation encouraged the idea and the student and trainers have already started compiling great stories to submit to docubox. It doesn’t come easy my fellow filmmakers let us all work hard. If you really want something and you have passion for it, spend quality time on it.

Judy Kibinge

Trainees set up to cover the event.


FilmmakerBob Nyanja

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

August 12, 2013


By Kaberia Kibuthania

Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.....Andre Maurois

For a first time as an event planner,  it is a bit hectic planning something meaningful. It takes time and dedication. Having put the Alumni day on a Sunday, it would be a bit hectic getting people together especially the fact that I had only a few days to prepare and contact all the Kibera Film School Alumni.

As the day started, it was a bit chilly and it persisted throughout the day. The organizing team got everything ready for the visitors- KFS alumni- who would be streaming in from 2 pm. The sign in sheets were ready, bitings were in plenty and music played to set the mood and at 2.30 pm the first alumni came in for the event. There was a continuous flow of visitors up till 3.30 pm when the program started.

The MC for the day, Roy Okello did a splendid job keeping everyone alert and the session interactive. First there was the ‘know what class so and so was in’, then there were various speakers from every class. These sessions were to the benefit of the current class. They were challenged on various aspects of film and networking.

“The film industry is all about who you know and how good you can prove you are”  Victor Oluoch- 1st KFS class

Victor Oluoch

“You would rather drop a camera and in future every film maker will know that you are a camera person, than take a bad shot” Vincent Oduor- 3rd KFS class

These were sentiments shared by various alumni who stepped up to share some of their experiences during and after KFS. As the day went on plenty was said but what was clear is that all these alumni expressed passion as what drove them.
As a current KFS trainee, what have you achieved so far? Where are you headed and do you have the passion to drive you in your film career ahead?


To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

August 6, 2013

My first Tazim talk!

Words of Dorothy Kang'ethe.

'The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence....Confucius'

I wasn't expecting much from this mythical Tazim Elkingngton  (Tazim Elkingtonbut like every determined woman she was a force to reckon with. I don't know how she
did it but she made an impact .

It wasn't a typical motivational session, she handpicked a few of us and used out what was on our minds. kind of like a group therapy session with people I had only known for less than a month.

What I feel Tarzim did for us was show a common thread that we all share, common vulnerability that we need to be strong. Issues were addressed and each of us were held responsible for each others personal challenges. Because no one is a complete package and we're all trying to find our way in life. Tazim is a live example of the trials life throws at us and how to draw strength and keep yourself motivated.

Kibera TV interns

Trainees all ears

Friends of Tazim

Javier Moreno a filmmaker volunteer from Spain listens.

A guest who accompanied Tazim

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page
It's not just a name welcome and learn the art of filmmaking. Our training is hands-on.