December 20, 2011

Bad Luck to Good: Ronald Omondi's Story

My name is Ronald Omondi.  I am 23 years old.  I live in Kibera. Things were going good for me.  I had a sponsored job that allowed me to also go to school.  Then something went wrong with the sponsorship program and I was out on the street again.  Selling CDs. In the slum, you can find yourself falling into drugs and hanging out with the idle youth. 
A friend told me about the Slum Film Festival at Hot Sun Foundation.  I attended a workshop, applied to Kibera Film School and here I am. 
Since I joined Hot Sun Foundation, it's like a home to me.  I am gaining more talents. The staff is treating us well. We learn in a relaxed and open way. 
I really appreciate what supporters are doing for us. You are good Samaritans helping slum youth who don't have the opportunity to gain knowledge in filmmaking. 
I appreciate that you are helping youth who live far away from you.
You can support us at
Buy our short films at
Happy Holidays  and many thanks to all.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

December 16, 2011


 All the teams line up for a photo shoot before they begin the race at HOTSUN FOUNDATION OFFICES at olympic kibera.
FEDERICO OLIVERI[center] and his team mates[left] REECE McMILAN and[right] FRANCIS OKWEMBA on the run during the race in olympic kibera.

Some of the leading contestant at one of the stopping stations, they were being issued with envelopes that had a letter which indicated the next stopping station within kibera[only after weaving three coloured ribbons successfully into a rope].


One of the red ribbons that was used to indicate directions during the race,they were being placed at specific and strategic places so that the contestants could use them for navigation around kibera.

NATHAN COLLET updating his facebook status from his ipad about the amazing race during the event.

The finalist receive an award at kamkunji grounds in kibera.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page


Kibera Film School class of 2011 graduands, jovially getting dressed for the graduation ceremony that was held on 3rd December 2011.

Guests at the Kamukunji grounds Kibera from left to right Charlotte the programme cordinator AFRICALIA, wife of Belgium ambassador, Burt Ouvry the Belgium ambassador to Kenya,  Federico Olivieri cultural attache Spanish embassy.

 Celebrating excellence graduands Wycliffe Mboya, Naftali Wambogo, Alice Motieri, Jillyvianne Matende, Mildred Odongo and Grishon Onyango partly hidden, on the dais at the Kamukunji grounds Kibera.

 Jubilant graduands from right to left Stephen Okoth, Moses Ouma and Wycliffe Mboya at Hot Sun Foundation grounds.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

December 9, 2011

Luck and Success: Michael Robert's Story

My name is Michael Robert Munyore. I am 21 years old
My father passed away when I was eight years old.  My dad's relatives raised me. My mother is somewhere in Western Kenya. I am lucky.  I'm on my own but my cousin in Kibera helped me finish high school.
When I look to my future, I see success. I don't do drugs. So many friends  wasted their lives with drugs, petty crime. I want to go somewhere with my life.  That's why I don't look back and worry about the past.
I always had a passion for filmmaking. I came across the Hot Sun Foundation sign in Kibera and wanted to know what was behind it.  I joined Kibera TV as a volunteer.  I then applied and joined Kibera Film School.  Remember I said I am lucky and focused on my future.
My life in Hot Sun has improved me in so many ways. I have made good contacts with filmmakers in the school and good friends. When I need support I know whom to go to. I have grown education wise. I am building my character and my career at the same time. So far so good.
What is my message to Hot Sun Foundation supporters?
I would tell them they should not give up.  They are investing in success. What they give today will be given back to them tomorrow. 
In this holiday season, be creative in your gift giving and make a difference. 
• Give a gift to Hot Sun Foundation  at have a gift card sent to your friend or family member. 
• Purchase gift DVDs from Kibera at All proceeds go to Hot Sun Foundation.
Many thanks for all you do. 
Michael Robert

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

December 8, 2011

Family Support: Quenter's Story

My name is Quenter Okumu.  I am 24.
I live in Kibera with my two children:  Mario 4 1/2 and Kyla 2 1/2. My mom has a tailoring shop in Kibera.  She takes care of my children while I study full time at Kibera Film School . My mother gives me her full support to learn filmmaking.  She drives me, telling me you have to do it.
What do you like about Kibera Film School? 
The way we treat each other. No one laughs at you or asks how come you don't know this. He or she shows you how to do something.  At Kibera Film School, it is mostly men
Why are there not more women in Kibera Film School?
What can I say?  Most women lack someone to motivate them - to push them .  When your family is not supporting you, they tell you that you can't do this - you have to look for a job - you have to take care of the family. Women are not encouraged to go to school or get technical training like filmmaking.    
My Message to Global Giving supporters?
Congratulations for what you are doing.  Don't lose hope or lose heart. Keep helping youth from Kibera, those that want to go farther.
Please spread the word about Hot Sun Foundation ( on facebook, twitter, emails.
Thank you SOO SOO SOO much.  Without your support,  I and the others couldn't be here at Kibera Film School.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

December 1, 2011

Passionate Appeal: Alice's Story

My name is Alice Motieri.  I am 24 years old.  I live in Kibera.
My challenges began at 15, when I lost my mom.  She died after a sudden illness.  Fifteen months later my father died. I managed to finish secondary school with funds from my mother's estate.
Then my life became confused.  I moved to Kibera to live with my sister.  While watching TV,  I saw a story about the Kenyan feature film TOGETHERNESS SUPREME and the awards it won.  I decided to search for Hot Sun Foundation.
I found Hot Sun Foundation and became a volunteer at Kibera TV.  Then I attended Kibera Film School.  Some men think women cannot do technical work.  I know I can.  Without a doubt, filmmaking is the career for me.

To all Hot Sun Foundation friends and supporters, I so much appreciate your efforts to bring us all along. I have acquired so much through your help.
Please continue with the same generous spirit. We have more and more projects to do,  and more of our youths without funds  are applying for Kibera Film School.
If you are in Nairobi, come to AMAZING RACE Kibera Sat. 3 Dec 10 am for a great scavenger hunt with prizes!  I am the coordinator!
If you are not in Nairobi, support us on
Asante sana.  Thank you for your support.
PS  Please check out on  my short  film Passionate Appeal (2 min 17 seconds).  I am in a three-way tie for first place

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

November 29, 2011

Turning Point: Wicky's Story

My name is Wickliffe Otieno Mboya. I am 23 years old. Before I came to Hot Sun Foundation, my life took a wrong turn. I was hanging out with the wrong crowd. They were somehow misleading me - taking drugs, working at night, not sure what they were doing.
I had contact with Hot Sun Foundation as an extra in the award-winning feature film TOGETHERNESS SUPREME. Then I drifted back to the streets. Hanging out. Doing nothing. Looking for easy money. Me and my friends are called "idle youth".
Mercy Murugi, producer of TOGETHERNESS SUPREME and trustee at Hot Sun Foundation saw me. I asked her for 30 shillings to buy a soft drink. She refused and told me to come with her to the Hot Sun Foundation office.
I started working as a volunteer with Kibera TV, an online community news service at Hot Sun Foundation. Then I was accepted to Kibera Film School where I learned all aspects of filmmaking.
To this day I am working with Hot Sun Foundation. I go back to the street and tell my old friends, they can change their ways. Most of them are gone - either dead or in jail. I
 go back to see my mum and bring her food for the family. She marvels and tells me that I am a different Wicky from the one she knew.
What does Hot Sun Foundation offer to the larger community?
When someone sees the me before and the me now, he asks where I am coming from. I am not the way I used to be. I used to only take. Now I am a positive person in the community, sharing all that I've got.
Every film that we do here is based on a true life story - something that effects the community. We are making peace through showing our films, like TOGETHERNESS SUPREME. We need to bring peace in different locations. We need funds to do that.
Here's my message to our supporters: Thank you for what you are doing. You are really touching people's lives - that's what all people should aspire to. Even if it is only one life, you will be remembered for that.
I only ask you to continue - changing lives, bringing peace through creating young filmmakers.
JOIN the AMAZING RACE for Kibera.  Contribute today at
I'll be looking for you.
Sincerely, Wicky

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

November 28, 2011

Greetings from Vincent Oduor

My name is Vincent Oduor.  I am 20 years old. 
I've been on my own in Kibera since 15, when my mother died.  My dad had already died when I was ten.   When relatives came to take my younger brothers and sisters back to their village, I argued with them and refused to leave.  I thought I would have a better chance to go to school in Kibera than in the village. 
I had no family left in Kibera.  My neighbors helped me.  They believed in me and paid for my textbooks.  I worked to pay my school fees.  I did it.  I graduated from high school. 
I never had a childhood.  I always had to work.  I used to help my mom with the younger children.  I don't think about going out or fancy clothes.  I'm not like some other youth.  I value myself and my future. 
I love to write… stories… plays…   A friend told me about Kibera Film School.  I decided that through film I could reach more people with my stories.   At Hot Sun Foundation, everyone is guided by her or his vision.  We share the same vision - working as a team to be good filmmakers

My message to Global Giving supporters: 
You have really done a great job. Some of us didn't know we could do certain things in life, like enter big buildings downtown, get respect from upper classes,  have people appreciate our videos. 

Just keep giving us this opportunity.  We know we can be creative.  We can make it with your support.

I really do appreciate your joining us in the AMAZING RACE for KIBERA.
Many thanks.  Happy Holidays!

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

November 18, 2011


How well do you know Kibera?What do you know about Kibera?Well here's a chance to know,interact and have fun within Kibera this festive season!Have a chance to meet some of the most exciting places in Kibera,sack gardens,bone carvings,young acrobats,hand-bags made from recycled polthene bags,soccer boys and girls,graffiti artists and young filmmakers among others.

Later in the day there will be celebration of young filmmakers ceremony at kibera Film School.

The amazing Race Kibera branded T-shirt will be available,just have to register at Ksh.200.

For more details and register contact Mercy 0716618188 or Alice 0710129043

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

November 17, 2011


Swedish journalists with Kibera Film School students, assistant trainers and Trustee  Nathan Collet (with red turban),  pausing for group photo at Hot Sun Foundation compound.

Victor Ombogo a camera and editing instructor at Kibera Film School being interviewed one on one by Nanushka Yeaman a Swedish journalist.

Victor Oluoch trainer at Kibera Film School
being interviewed by Nanushka Yeaman.

At Hot Sun Foundation's reception watching some of the Kibera Film School's short films,news pieces by Kibera Tv and feature film teaser Togetherness Supreme.

'Great films and very creative,hey must watch!'

The journalists had a chance to walk through Kibera Slum accompanied by Kibera Film School trainees.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page


Vincent, Roy and Victor headed for the peace screening event at AMREF in Dagoretti, the feature film Togetherness supreme on peace and reconciliation which was produced by Hot Sun Films and Hot Sun Foundation was screened.

AMREF staff were not left out they stayed glued on their seats to watch the film.

 Hot Sun Foundation members and the AMREF staff pausing for a picture for a formal collaboration in spreading peace in Kenya.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page


Tazim the  host of the day addressing issues that   people pass through as human beings such forgetting your loved ones and we react to them.

Aida Hot Sun Productions trainee,assistant trainer Kibera Film School  was among those who attended the event.
Being a woman in the film making field it was her time to tell out the stories that women encounter this time round not with the camera but in real  life.

 The Tribe Hotel manager and his mother were not left behind in the discussion on issues affecting women.Being that Zawadi a women advocate was in the house.  

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page


 Roy Okello and Grishon Onyango testing the sound recorder in readiness for K. F. S promo shoot.To be used as an advert for the school.

John Ilako a camera trainer at K.F.S talks of his experiences at the school.

Vincent Oduor a student shares thoughts on ways to shoot with Michael  camera instructor at Kibera Film School.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

November 10, 2011


The students from Oslo, Norway Westerdals School Of Communication  the 2nd grade students visit Kibera Film School in their ongoing research to make documentaries in Kenya. The projects are based on the ideas that they are going to find universal stories on the other side of the planet, and they are all about everyday heroes and inspirational characters.

Norway School of Communication instructor and some of the students learning more about Kibera Film School an Initiative of Hot Sun Foundation from the assistant trainer Aida Achieng who is currently a trainee at Hot Sun Productions advanced class.

During the screening session of some of the Kibera Film School short films and feature film Togetherness Supreme's teaser in one of the classes at Hot Sun Foundation.

The visitors from Norway and Kibera Film School trainers,assistant trainers and trainees gathered to watch captivating films by Kibera Film School.

All excited and appreciate the great work by Kibera Film School.

Another session of pitching whereby the Norway students had to take the stage and present their ideas to everyone present.Kibera Film School trainers,assistant trainers and trainees wished to work together with the students from Norway in the documentaries production.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

November 4, 2011


 Kibera Film School advanced class with Jinna Mutune,Director of Leo,a story about a Maasai boy achieving his dream against all odds. She was excited with the students' concentration during the Question an Answer session.

Students attentive as Jinna explains how to approach and convince sponsors to have them invest in a project one is planning to work on.

It was a great experience and everyone was motivated having a great film like Leo by produced Kenyans.

Jinna listening to a question from one of the students on what inspired her write the story Leo and how long it took during the pre-production stage.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page

November 3, 2011


 Embassy of the kingdom of Belgium ambassador to Kenya Bart Ouvry,his wife Carine Ouvry,Belgium Counsellor to Kenya Pieter Leenknegt,Hilai and Philopra visited Hot Sun Foundation an organization based in Olympic Kibera supported and funded by Africalia under the Belgium Co-orperation.

The ambasssador also got a chance to speak to the foundations trustees Nathan Collett,Pamela Collette and Mercy Murugi  discussing possible ways of ensuring the project of training youths in film goes on.

Apart from the official attire  the session turned out to be a social interaction between the guests and the film studets each one of them sharing their inspirational stories and more about their career lives as aspiring filmmakers.

Everyone was so excited and had a chance to watch the trailer and the making of Togetherness Supreme a feature film focusing on peace and reconcilliation.

They were so impressed with Hot Sun Foundation program despite it's location in the world's re-known slum Kibera.

Hot Sun Foundation staff,Kibera Film School trainers,assistant trainers,trainees and Visitors from The Belgium embassy in Kenya pausing for a group photo.

Josphat keya Hot sun Foundation program manager,Belgium ambassador to Kenya Bart Ouvry and the Belgium Counsellor to Kenya Pieter Leenknegt pause for a photo.

They also decided to talk a walk through Kibera Slum and enjoyed the beauty in it,according to them Kibera is so hospitable and busy like any other place.

To support the great youth of the Kibera Film School, please visit our Global Giving Page
It's not just a name welcome and learn the art of filmmaking. Our training is hands-on.